Rachel Gertz
About Rachel
I train your folks:
• Digital project management foundations/ops apprenticeship
• Custom consulting, coaching, and workshops
• Training for project managers, coordinators, leads, and owners
• Designed for digital departments, studios, and agencies
You know what sinks projects? It's not just poor scoping, bad timelines, or a tiny budget. It's the inflexibility we build into a process that thrives on change. It's the words that catch in our throat when we can't call BS on a bad stakeholder relationship or unclear goals. And it's the lack of power given to the people who lead those projects which kills those projects. Let us help you let go if you're holding on too tight, take up more space if your voice isn't loud enough, and understand the soft stuff and hard numbers that make the digital project lifecycle rinse and repeat.
Website: https://louderthanten.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/louderthanten
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/louder-than-ten/