We are blessed to host some of the most important experts in the world of Digital Agencies, Media and Business Consulting. We post video blogs of every session on our Feed below where you’ll find world-class content on how to grow your agency.

M&A Secrets: An Insider’s View On How To Maximise Your Exit Value
Felix Velarde, a seasoned agency founder and CEO, joined us at our Agency Growth Summit, in December 2023.
Drawing from his experience of founding, selling, and scaling multiple agencies, Felix offers valuable insights into the M&A process, and insider secrets on maximising agency exit value for the AGE community.

S1-E5: What is an EXIT plan and why do you need one? , Scott Leff – TobinLeff
Scott Leff has owned and run advertising, marketing, PR, and video production shops. He has led mergers and sales of for-profit and nonprofit corporations.

What to Expect: Agency Growth Events Camp Two – November 16th
With Camp ONE – ‘All About Growth!’ now behind us, all eyes are set on our next event: Camp Two, Tuesday, the 16th of November. The day’s theme is set as ‘There’s More Than One Way to Grow‘, and it hints at Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Expansion strategies.

What Is an Exit Plan, and Why Do I Need One for My Agency?
Surveys indicate that most agency owners believe an Exit Plan is important, but still don’t have one. If that describes you, this White Paper will help you understand what an Exit Plan is and how you can fill this risky gap.