M&A Secrets: An Insider’s View On How To Maximise Your Exit Value
Felix Velarde, a seasoned agency founder and CEO, joined us at our Agency Growth Summit, in December 2023.
Drawing from his experience of founding, selling, and scaling multiple agencies, Felix offers valuable insights into the M&A process, and insider secrets on maximising agency exit value for the AGE community.
He emphasises the importance of addressing key discount factors, such as having a solid business plan, profitability, scale, growth path, client security, succession, and fame. Velarde introduces the 2Y3X program, designed to accelerate agency growth, and discusses the significance of risk mitigation for both sellers and buyers. Ultimately, he highlights the interconnectedness of addressing risks, building confidence, and achieving successful agency exits.
To reveal the full article, download your complimentary copy of Agency Growth Book 2024.
Key areas from Felix's speech and his Agency Growth Book article:
How do you prepare an agency for sale?
Programmatic scaling & The Basic List
Going to the dark side
Why does risking investment matter so much?
“Every broker you go to will do a quick evaluation of where you stand against each item in the list, to establish how much a buyer will be likely to pay.”
The 2Y3X programme was designed to address the discount factors. Addressing risks quickly builds confidence and morale. Empowering your team also builds a fantastic culture of high-performing superstars.
So, if you're considering selling your agency, it's crucial to grasp the profound importance of risk mitigation. By meticulously addressing each aspect outlined in the discount factors list, you pave the way for a monumental sale. Such a successful transaction will bring immense satisfaction to both parties involved—yourself as the seller, and of course, the delighted buyer.