Leading with Purpose: How Well Are You Exhibiting These 7 Traits, to Lead Your People, Brands and Company with Purpose?
Purpose is all about people. Purpose comes to life through people, through their personalities, passions, impact, and interactions. In the context of a brand or organization, people are stakeholders – employees, consumers, clients, investors, community, causes.
So, for your brand promise to be realized and achieve the sustainable impact and performance you dream for it to have, you have to lead with purpose! If you don’t, all the effort you have put into building the brand promise is just window dressing. People will see through it, and you risk undermining all the potential value you would otherwise, have created. As we say at PurposeFused – “you have to live it to give it”.
By now, if you’ve read the previous articles in this series:
you’ve considered how to infuse your people’s (stakeholders’) aspirations into your brand promise;
you’ve been very thoughtful and intentional around your (potential) integration of a cause.
So, now the last and potentially most important piece of the puzzle…
To Lead with Purpose
Leading with purpose blends together the best of your organizational / brand and personal purpose. It’s at this intersection that purpose-driven leaders have the most impact.
In our experience, purpose-driven leaders who have been though a meaningful and intentional purpose discovery process, then bring it to life through the 7 traits below:
“You can use this “7i Lead with Purpose Framework” to give yourself a quick assessment and identify what you are doing well, or would like to improve. Read through the 7 traits and then click here to take the assessment, and see how you stack up!”
Impact: purposeful leaders are clear about the impact they want to have across three dimensions – on themselves (me), those they surround themselves with the most (we – peers, colleagues, friends, and family) and the bigger change and footprint they want to leave in the world (world).
Intention: purposeful leaders demonstrate their commitment to their purpose by applying discipline in their thoughts, words, and actions towards operating with passion and delivering their intended impact at me, we and world level.
Inspiration: purposeful leaders share and articulate their purpose, aspirational dream, and impact to inspire others. They look to open opportunities for those they lead. They also support and coach others in discovering and embedding their own individual purpose into their lives.
Inclusivity: Purposeful leaders are open minded and encourage interaction, ideas, and contribution from a diverse range of people with different perspectives. They engage stakeholders with different experiences and embrace contrasting opinions to establish context for their decisions. Purposeful leaders are self and situationally aware, compassionate, and always seek to provide opportunities for learning and growth.
Intuition: purposeful leaders possess the ability to rapidly understand, distill and communicate information without the need for conscious reasoning. While this may be an innate strength for some more than others, it is also a learned skill they amplify and accelerate by narrowing their focus and deepening their reps around experiences, people, and knowledge that advance their purpose and ambitions.
Implementation: purposeful leaders not only walk the talk, they encourage, coach and support others in applying and practicing their own individual purpose, in (and beyond) the workplace. The more people working with purpose, the more productive, engaged and fulfilled the workforce and thus, the more successful the leader is.
Integrity: purposeful leaders are open, transparent and true to their principles. They continuously review and refine their actions in relation to the 3As – so they are authentic to their purpose, aligned to their aspirations and impact, and advancing forward towards their ambitions.
If you haven’t taken a step back to discover and design how you’d like to bring your own purpose to life, take the assessment as a first step, – a huge component of our work with individual leaders and teams (and we love it)!
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About PurposeFused
At PurposeFused, we use purpose to unlock people’s potential to optimize their performance and impact. We act as Purpose Partners with organizations, individual leaders and teams to solve immediate challenges while driving long-term value. We do this by inspiring people and organizations to establish meaningful objectives fused with purpose, so they can be intentional about the positive impact they aspire to have on themselves, each other and society as a whole. Everything we do is at the intersection between people, purpose and performance, with the vision of making a meaningful contribution to a better world with purpose.
Did you miss PurposeFused at Agency Growth Events Season ONE?
Livestreamed over three virtual events in Q4 of 2021, Agency Growth Events brought together experts from the worlds of Digital Agencies, Media, and Management Consulting to talk about How to Grow a Digital Agency.
Watch📹 “The Personality of Purpose” by Mark Griffin and Neil Turnham, PurposeFused.