Work Backwards To Spring Forward - Karl Sakas

Before beginning to build your ideal agency, it is important to pause for a moment and get a clear idea of what success looks like for you. Ask yourself: Why did you start (or join) your agency? How have my expectations been met in reality? What will it take to bridge the gap between now and my ideal future? The answers to these questions will help you to find your path to success.

What is The Advance Retrospective Framework?

In his article, Karl Sakas writes about his concept of the "Advanced Retrospective". In his own words from The Agency Growth Book:

"The “Advanced Retrospective” is a powerful tool I use when I coach agency owners. You’re looking “backwards” from a hypothetical future as if it already happened. This tool helps you get unstuck by understanding what ideal future you want."

Listen to Karl Sakas to learn more about visualizing your ideal agency with an Advance Retrospective. Here is an introduction from his article in the Agency Growth Book:

"Agencies are uniquely complicated businesses. If you’re reading this, you’re likely the owner of an agency or are hoping to start one. As an business owner, you want to get paid what you deserve—to increase your take-home pay, to grow your company, to fund passion projects, or to secure your family’s financial future.

You likely don’t dream of working more hours, or more nights and weekends. Yet many agency owners feel like they’re constantly in the weeds. They feel like they need more hours in the day to get it all done. You may wonder if this kind of daily grind is just par for the course. Does everyone feel this exhausted all of the time? Is there something wrong with me? Is there an easier way to do this and still grow?

If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions, you’re in the right place. It’s time to commit to a new approach: Work Less and Earn More.

But you can’t start building your ideal agency without getting clear about what success looks like for you— meaning your first step should be a (brief) pause for personal reflection. "


Are Robots Eating Your Lunch? - Alejandra Tobon - Unbounce


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